It’s impossible that Congress in Telangana State can rise to form a government. It cannot in the near future, assume the position of a credible alternative to the ruling TRS party. All the hype that was generated during the week over Revanth Reddy joining Congress has dissipated in less than few hours of him joining the party along with few inconsequential leaders in contemporary state politics.

This one week drama is a storm in the tea cup. Factually, congress is losing ground across Telangana State. This party’s cadre & leaders with an exception of few assemblies have already turned coats and have deserted the party. The outflows from top to bottom in Congress party in the last three and half years are unprecedented, and historic. Congress has already lost it Legislative Council Chairman, few past party presidents, few parliamentarians, many former MLA’s, many sitting MLA’s, and loads of MLC’s, apart from a massive displacement of local body leaders from across the organization of the state party.

Congress party not just in Telangana State, but across the country is experiencing this flight pattern. It’s being considered a ship which is wrecked at the harbor & can’t set sail into the ocean again, so the travelers and even the crew are disembarking for good.

Revanth Reddy episode is an exception to the current trend Congress is facing across the nation. While he has all the rights to join the party he wishes, I have a strong feeling that he overreacted to few incidents after Singareni election outcomes. He seems to be also reading too much, too soon into prospective political partnerships in Telangana State and has subsequently rushed his decision to join Congress, presuming zero options. I foresee a huge regret & a possible drift from Congress party by Revanth Reddy sooner than later. With the degree of ambition he possesses, his expectations can shatter in very less time.

However, Congress made good of the opportunity and painted the town red to gain some perceptive mileage over its arch rival & the real alternative BJP.

People across the nation, including people of Telangana from across the length & breadth of the state have rejected Congress in 2014. The rejection in the state is bitterer, as the dismal loss came even after Congress claimed its trump card of giving Telangana State. Congress fell to new lows in Telangana State not with an overall national downfall, but with its disastrous leadership within the state. The same leaders drive the party even today & it’s the same congress which will go to polls again. Congress party has nothing new to offer to the people of Telangana. People have neither aspirations nor any expectations from Congress party.

Yes congress has a past. A past which smacks of dynastic politics, family first agenda, massive corruption scandals, policy paralysis, divisive vote bank politics & a historic record of misgovernance of over 60 years. This past doesn’t make Congress a credible alternative anywhere in India, leave alone Telangana State, especially when there’s a regional alternative & also a strong national party BJP. It clearly establishes that the future is bleak for congress in a three corner fight.

Unlike the past, BJP in Telangana carries the traction it receives from the largest & the strongest party in the country, through its national leadership. BJP apart from running Central Government has 17 state governments and is poised to win in another 3 states in the next quarter. BJP across the nation is rising along with the rising expectations & aspirations of commoners in India. Commoner’s faith on BJP agenda, its ideology, and its leadership is giving it successive victories across the nation. Telangana State is no foreign land, nor a disconnected island; it’s the 29th state of Indian union and people in this state share same aspirations & expectations as their fellow Indians.

The common people of India are tired of family driven fiefdoms; they want to put an end to these corrupt conglomerates of nepotism. They want better living standards, better infrastructure and value for money, dignified livelihood & decentralized governance for better delivery. The voters today also expect those who got their vote keep their manifesto promises and deliver their commitments. They are in no mood to bring back incorrigible, incredible & corrupt families into governance, neither local nor national.

BJP is a national party with inclusive development agenda, ‘Nation First’ & ‘Integral Humanism’ as its ideology. As the Indian democracy is maturing, the nationals seem to realize the huge gap between the cup & the lip. They seem to also understand the massive negative propaganda by Congress party on BJP’s governance agenda & ideology.

The doubts which were created in the minds of the masses are demystified & they understand BJP stands singularly for their development. BJP is demolishing the walls Congress, few of its regional allies & communists have built between communities. Congress empire built with signature style of divisive politics using religion, caste, region, language for guaranteed vote banks is crumbling with sharp and credible communication from the national leadership of the BJP.

Congress cannot rise in Telangana, nor can anywhere in India. Those who are migrating to Congress are miscalculating the return of congress with the prodigal son as its savior; however they seem to forget Rahul Gandhi is already a spent force and has been at the helm even through 2014 elections.

People of Telangana will weigh the options, and will not fall into the trap of a corrupt congress party driven by a family from Delhi. They will not swing from one family in Telangana to another in Delhi. They will choose BJP which has proven its credentials for leading people centric, development centric governments across the country. BJP governed states are experiencing growth, communal harmony, inclusive development, and prosperity of the masses through very successful templates of governance. Telangana people are judicious to understand the consequences of their franchise in the next election.

Congress has past; but no future.




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